

Participants are the most important part of this movement. They can prove our theory is true. Each “CLAP-OUT” can change the day of one or many individuals. It is your energy that will make this possible. And your ability to bring positive energy to our “CLAP-OUT” will influence their lives. That is what makes this a movement. We ask that you come with a clear mind and that you particpate with all you heart.

To believe is to have no doubt. Doubters need not apply.

All participants will receive a free T-Shirt and a Free lunch. No donation is necessary to participants under the age of 21. All participants will need to complete the Participant Registration Form prior to entering the event.

Instructions to print a copy of the Participant Registration Form

  • Step 1: Click here & print the Participant Registration Form
  • Step 2: Fill out the Participant Registration Form
  • Step 3: Bring the completed Participant Registration Form to the event you will participate in
Print Form